Giving Back
Supporting military sporting success
AG’s support for military veterans continues as the fourth recipient of a specially adapted wheelchair is celebrated at a special event in the Speaker’s House
Giving Back
AG’s support for military veterans continues as the fourth recipient of a specially adapted wheelchair is celebrated at a special event in the Speaker’s House
Giving Back
Supporting the Westminster community through activities for the elderly, hot meals for refugees, and helping keep the food pantry stocked for people who may be choosing between heating and eating will be at the heart of this new alliance
Giving Back
Ambassadeurs Group donates £50,000 to CHIPS charity to fund new wheelchairs and transform the lives of five children and their families
Giving Back
Giving Back
Giving Back
Giving Back
Giving Back
The industry-leading commitment further increases to 1.1% the gross gambling yield that the iconic casino contributes to the gambling charity
Local, national and international good causes benefit from the Group’s corporate philanthropy and giving back
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